The Parish Pastoral Council is one of two parish councils in most Catholic parishes. The other parish council deals specifically with the Financial matters of the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is concerned with the pastoral needs of both parish members and the people of our neighborhood community that dwell within our parish boundaries. The PPC is made up of registered and active members of Saint Augustine Parish and serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor who is ultimately responsible for seeing that the pastoral needs of the parish are met. Likewise this body serves the parish community by faithfully representing them and their needs to the pastor. Through the genuine and inspired discernment, deliberation, and collaboration of pastor and council members, the work of the parish remains focused on the mission for which we were founded by our Lord.
In collaboration with the Pastor, we regularly review the universal mission of the Church and our efforts to live out that mission as a parish on the Archdiocesan and local level. Council members engage in honest and frank discussion about our goals and effective courses of action to meet them. We also regularly engage other parish leaders through periodic Heads of Ministry meetings.
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is twofold. First, as an advisory body to the Pastor, we bring the pastoral needs of parishioners to his attention and give him helpful feedback and support as needed; always with the good of the parish in mind. Second, we call forth leaders from the parish community to EMPOWER and EQUIP them to do the work of EVANGELIZATION: namely, to lead others to a personal and life-changing encounter with Christ.
To join the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), you can complete a nomination form for yourself or another parishioner in response to a "Call for Nominations." Elections are held annually in the Spring (around Pentecost Sunday) and are announced at Church. The PPC reviews each completed nomination form to assure that all requirements are met. Then parish-wide elections are held. In addition to elections, the Pastor (the President of the Council) can appoint parishioners to the PPC for a one-year term which is renewable should she so choose.
PPC members hold two- or three-year terms depending on when they are elected or appointed to the PPC.
The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the third Saturday of every month at 10:00am-12:00pm from September to June. All are welcome to attend.
Share your ideas, give us your feedback about our strengths and weaknesses as a parish and keep us in your prayers! Any parishioner is welcome to attend the monthly meetings.
E-mail: Faustina Wabwire, Parish Pastoral Council Chair