Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are given the honor and privilege to physically share Christ with our faith community. There will be a training opportunity available if you have ever considered stepping forward to serve in this ministry. If you are already an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please come to a training and refresh yourself on the process and procedure.
Prayer of Discernment for Becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask your help in discerning whether you are calling me to be a Eucharistic Minister. I trust that you always give me the grace necessary for my life. Please grant me the courage to respond to you with a willing and generous heart. No matter how you are calling me to serve, may my hands bring your compassion and mercy to others. And may I be Eucharist to all I meet. Lord, guide me, and fill me with wisdom I need to understand and accept your call to me. If you are calling me to Eucharistic Ministry, may I not be intimidated by the sacredness of your presence. Instead, fill me with a devout and reverent spirit. As I offer the Eucharist to others, let me be your presence to them. Give me the grace to be a worthy minister. Amen.